Parent Resource Hub

Parent leaders are committed to advocating for parents and families across our city, and they do so by bringing deep knowledge and understanding of DC’s education system to the table. The Parent Resource Hub contains updated information and resources on DC, our education system, and parent priorities. We encourage you to read through the resources and learn more about the issues that matter most to you!

Learn more about PAVE

PAVE connects, informs, and empowers parent leaders to give families in DC a voice and choice in the vision for education in our city. Learn more about PAVE’s mission, vision, model, and yearlong overview in our one-pager.

Get to know the Parent Leaders in Education (PLE) Board Members  

Sharing WHY we do this work and for WHOM we do this work

The first step in the process of building a public narrative is to share what motivates each of us to make change as individuals: our Story of Self. Because we can’t work together if we don’t know why each of us is called to do this work! During the PLE Board application process, all parent leaders – returning and new – answered the same two questions

  • Why do you do this work?
  • For whom do you do this work?

The answers to these two questions are the foundation of a person’s “Story of Self.” Last year, during each PLE Board Kickoff event, parent leaders had the opportunity to tell their Stories of Self in small groups – leading parents to make new connections and build community and trust through shared vulnerability.

Sharing what brings us TOGETHER: our GOALS, our VISIONS, and our PURPOSE

A “Story of Us” communicates why, together, we are called to act. It is a collective story that illustrates the shared purposes, goals, and vision of a group. Similar to the Story of Self, the Story of Us also focuses on using these purposes, goals, and visions to combat a challenge or problem.

PAVE’s Citywide PLE Board, made up of parent leaders who represent Wards 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 and also serve on their Ward-Based PLE Board, began drafting a Story of Us for each of their Wards at the Citywide PLE Board Kickoff in August of 2021. To guide their drafting process, parent leaders answered the following questions:

  • What brings us together?
  • What is our goal for parent voice?
  • What is our vision for parent advocacy?
  • What is our purpose for parents as policy experts in our Ward?

Once Citywide PLE Board members finished presenting their first draft Story of Us, they led conversations with their fellow Ward-Based PLE Board members to ask for feedback and land on a final Story of Us for their Ward – together. 


Parent Leaders' Statements of Beliefs

Included in these statements are policy SOLUTIONS that parent leaders have identified as critical to making their vision for OST programs and SBMH (their top 2 parent priorities) a reality! These statements are shared with policymakers during DC Parent Voice and Choice Week and help drive parent leader advocacy during budget season and beyond.

PAVE's Parent Power Playbook

Read our executive summary, learn who we are, and better understand our impact – including how we pivoted operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, in PAVE’s Parent Power Playbook.

Ward Snapshots

The Ward Snapshots summarize the education landscape and demographics of each ward in DC.

Parents’ Bill of Rights for the Education System

In October 2020, parent leaders came together to create their Parents’ Bill of Rights, which is a value statement to declare the universal rights of every parent across the education system on all issues to lead to more equitable education opportunities for parents and students in the District.

Recommended List of Twitter Accounts to follow

This document can be used to reach policymakers and District leaders on Twitter and ultimately help you advocate for your #ParentPriorities as a PAVE parent leader across social media!